USTA President Dave Haggerty featured in Tennis Magazine

Mar 12, 2013

USTA President Dave Haggerty sat down recently with Tennis Magazine and discussed his initiatives to grow the game, future challenges in changing public perception of the USTA and the logistics of the US Open.

Highlights from the interview:

In two years, what would you have liked to accomplished in this job?

Haggerty:  In a lot of ways I’d say it’s making the 800-pound gorilla into a 400-pound gorilla.  What I mean by that is I want the USTA to be approachable, respected and viewed by all as a partner in progress.

Talk a little about your approach to your role as USTA President…

Haggerty:  I’m approaching the job in a similar style to the way I’ve run businesses.  Certainly the principles of leadership, management and partnership are the things that I see as the main elements to success in this role.

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the USTA?

Haggerty:  One of the most important things is our strategic vision with the US Open.  It’s our engine – and we’ve got to make sure that engine is finely tuned.

Should a rooof [for the US Open] be a priority?

Haggerty:  The roof IS the priority.  We will have a roof when we are able to figure it out from a technological standpoint at a more affordable cost.

For more of David Haggerty’s interview, pick up the March/April 2013 edition of Tennis Magazine.  You will also find a feature written by Chris Evert, 2013 JTCC Gala Honoree, called Parent Trap.   In the article, Evert opines that “helicopter” parenting in tennis is detrimental as “players put enough pressure on themselves, they don’t need anxiety from what should be a pillar of support.”

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