2024 SUMMER CAMPS! Be the First to Know When Registration Opens!

Facilities Grant

Grow the Game

Get Paid

JTCC has introduced over 4,000 new adults to tennis over the last five years and we want to spread that success to you! We have developed a unique program and effective approach to attract new players to the sport.
Be one of only 12 facilities in the country to receive up to $2,500 in funding.
Benefits of the program include:
  • Free course and program training
  • Travel to attend the Learn Tennis Now training conference
  • On-site consulting/training visits from the Learn Tennis Now management team
  • Receive $1,250 for the first 100 new players
  • Receive another $1,250 for the next 100 new players

If you want to change the trajectory of tennis and grow your business, this is the program for you!

JTCC will be selecting the top eight facilities that apply to the Learn Tennis Now Facilities Grant. 

For more information, contact Joe Wilkerson at